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Notable Works



Feature Films:



2020    Skylight: Caroline’s Tale (DOP and colourist)


2019    Wairua Spirit (videographer, editor colourist) multiple awards


2019    Feature: Anticipation (colourist) multiple awards



Short Films:



2020    Dug Your Grave (DIT and colourist)


2020    Good Harvest (DOP) short film series


2019    End Child Sacrifice (colourist) APVP Nikon Z award winner


2019    Droplets in a Stream (colourist) APVP best colour grading


2019    Showdown (colourist)


2017    Three Weeks (DOP) nominated multiple awards


2018:    The Secret Life of STEM (DOP) Advance QLD commissioned



Music Video Clips:



2020    Lily Robertson: Mary Did You Know?


2020    Grant Buse: Clean My House


2020    Dyon Tahana: Like Yesterday


2020    Leigha Moore: Ain’t Your Girl


2019    Cherry Bright: Blues Cafe


2018    Asher Chapman: Life at the Library


2017    The Floating Bridges: Power

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